
Evergreen Genius Intensive Classes

October 2024 Replay. We talked about relationships. blood sugar and the biofield advanced techniques for clearing and protecting your land and home and much much more!



Beginning Remote Viewing EVERGREEN Course

Come deep dive into Remote viewing with a steep discount for EVERGREEN. You can still ask me questions during this class. The next Remote Viewing I would teach would probably be advanced.

Learn a variety of tips, tricks and styles from someone who this particular  gift has come natural to since birth. Learn how to read the stock market, predict real estate trends, play the lottery and more. 


Soul Stories: Build Your Soul

1 hour 20 minutes of video teaching about:

  • Concurrent lives, multiple realities, memory wiping, soul family, timelines, types of souls
  • Life review, soul trap, boundaries, bilocation, manifestation, creation and much much more!

Please note: This is a class from July 2023


Psychic Defense

5 modules (evergreen) to watch at your leisure

I don't believe in protection but I do believe in defense

Tips on home, personal protection, animals and more.

If you have the Genius, this does come with panels. 

Panels will be sent after purchase.



Animal Communication Course

Evergreen Course on how to begin to communicate with all animals.


Genius Intensive Monthly Class for Genius Users

Genius Intensive Monthly Class for Genius Users taught by 35-year frequency veteran

Includes multiple panels included with this class a month teaching, live demos and sometimes activations, special guests and processes.

147.00 / month


Alchemy of Frequency (for Genius Users)

Stacks of panels with accompanying lessons in how to use them. Money, Health, Career, Romance and more are all covered in these panels.

  • Powerful and worth every penny
  • Over 8 to 10 specialized panels with videos on how to use them

Navigating Your Timelines in This Reality

Explore how you can change your reality by understanding how timelines really work.

Instant access.


Infinite Lightness of Being: The Quickening


Go at your own pace.

What is a quickening? The definition is..."Spring to Life, Take Action"

How you ask? That's what this class is for. We can help you chart your spiritual, mental, emotional, energetic and physical course for the next year.

Are you blocked? Open up. Release beliefs, programming and much more. You don't need years of therapy or a get rich quick package. You need more of YOU.

Access to all of YOU.


Bootcamp: Recorded workshop on the Spirits Among Us

Come along with us as we discover Soul Families and various spirits in this class.

Who is around these students? Learn through their experience and their questions!

Be sure to check out our Soul Family Reading so you can get your own!


The ALL-NEW Ultimate Evolution


  • We combined two monthly classes into one for a power packed 1 and 1/2 hour to 2 hour teaching, Q and A and activation/process 
  • This is an intimate gathering each month which provides access to our community
  • Provides you with reasonable access to Dr. K's personal email
  • Receive first dibs on live events and limited classes
  • Great opportunity to ask your questions and receive direct answers!
  • Only $97 and is a great “next step” if you have had a scan of any type and want to learn more about all “Woo” topics, health topics etc.


Beginning Deliverance and Entity Clearing (Intense!)

This is a recent evergreen class with 6 modules chock full of auras, examples, clearing, tips, teaching and more.

Learn from others as they navigate this material.

  • If you have ever wondered how to feel confident in this topic, now is your chance.
  • If you have the Genius, there are panels that go with this class.
  • If you make payments, 1/2 the panels will be delivered at a time.

Please understand due to the nature of this material, no refunds will be given.

Purchase Now  Purchase In 2 Payments


Aura Alchemy Academy

Dive deep into the Genius aura software and discover how to read both types of auras through all time and space.

Comes with 3 panels for the Genius.

This is a 4-module class with approximately 10 hours of content.


The Magic of Crystals Mini Course

This is a couple module course that was done a number of years ago. I don't know where the 3rd part is so I slashed  the class. Co-taught by Karen Foli.

$22.00 or whatever you want to pay


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